+1 868-612-0385 canto@canto.org 67 Picton Street, Port of Spain 8am - 4pm

Register and Attend CANTO Connect & 41st Annual General Meeting Celebrations

Towards a Unified and Sustainable Caribbean Gigabit Society is the theme for CANTO CONNECT and 41st Annual General Meeting at the Renaissance Wind Creek Curaçao Resort. Join us and learn more!

For any registration questions persons can email jedwards@canto.org

Join us to dialogue on the following key topics, not only limited to the telecommunications industry but extended to all markets:

The Evolution of Telcos, FinTech: Global Trends & Partnerships, AI Convergence

We Value Our Sponsors & Partners

To become an AGM Sponsor, please contact us at nfreakley@canto.org

Support provided by corporations and businesses allows for the development and implementation of events, projects and resources. These partnerships make it possible for our members and the wider industry to receive an outstanding array of resource tools, education and workshops.

Towards a Unified and Sustainable Caribbean Gigabit Society

Towards a Unified and Sustainable Caribbean Gigabit Society, CANTO’s 2025 theme is, therefore, more than just a “cool” slogan—it’s a call to action for the future of the Caribbean, where across the region, every island, community, and individual can access ultra-fast internet, bridging distances and creating new opportunities. Such a digital ecosystem will empower everyone, from tech-savvy urban dwellers to fishers in serene rural coastal towns, from businesses and entrepreneurs to students and healthcare providers, building a modern and interconnected Caribbean.

Investing in high-speed internet and cutting-edge technology is more than just building a network. It’s about creating a platform for driving innovation, enabling collaboration, and economic development across the region. It will set the stage for a resilient, prosperous Caribbean where digital infrastructure supports community connections, sustainable growth, and unified progress.

Growth without sustainability is, however, irresponsible. The deployment of gigabit networks needs to be in tandem with environmental consciousness, where green technologies and energy-efficient solutions are a part of our overall strategies for technological advancement.