+1-868-622-3770 canto@canto.org 67 Picton Street, Port of Spain 8am - 4pm

Advertise With CANTO

CANTO is an internationally recognized trade association that serves a significant proportion of telecommunication organizations in the Caribbean.  With one hundred and thiry (130) member companies in over thirty-four  (34) countries, and affiliations with the ITU, CITEL and CTU, CANTO provides an important forum through which telecommunication organisations exchange information and share expertise.

CANTO has two comprehensive publications that are widely distributed in the Caribbean, Latin America, and as far afield as Canada and Europe. Among our loyal readers are the decision-makers in our member organizations, government telecommunication ministers, Regulatory bodies, Policy-makers, the academic fraternity and people with interests in the Caribbean telecommunications market.  

Our publications are: –

  • CANCION                              –      A quarterly telecommunications magazine.
  • ANNUAL DIRECTORY   –      A Who’s Who and fact sheet for the Caribbean telecommunication sector.

In addition to our print and electronic publications CANTO hosts a Web site which is the primary communication medium for our members and a valuable information resource for the Caribbean telecommunications sector and the general public.

We take this opportunity to invite you to advertise your company’s products and services in the Quarterly CANCION magazine, the Annual Directory and the CANTO Website.

In order to assist you in selecting the format that is right for your organization, included in the Advertising Prospectus is detailed information on the publications, advertising formats and rates.

Please take the time to peruse the various options.  CANTO marketing & sales personnel Ms Carmen Ramlal, will be available to discuss your advertising objectives and provide any further information that you may require.

We take this opportunity to assure you that your message through our publications will reach the right audience.


Teresa Wankin

Secretary General


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