Full Membership
Telecommunication operating companies
- less than 100,000 subscriptions – US $ 4,500
- from 100,000 to 500,000 subscriptions – US $ 8,500
- more than 500,000 subscriptions – US $ 15,000
- Organizations – US $ 15,000
Affiliate Membership
Corporate Entries
- Small ( ) Revenues < US $0.5M – US $ 1,200
- Medium ( ) Revenues > US $0.5M but < US $ 5M – US $ 2,000
- Large ( ) Revenues > US $ 5M – US $ 3,600
- Non Profit Organizations ( ) – US $ 1,200
- Please submit a brief overview of your organization describing the nature of your business and your interest in the development of telecommunications in the Caribbean
- Do not remit any fees to the Association with this application. You will be notified of your admission to membership in the appropriate category
- Dues are payable on the 1st October of each year
- Admission to membership is determined by the Board of Directors
- Membership renews automatically each year unless notification of withdrawal is submitted in writing.
Policy – Members’ Fees
- New Members joining CANTO will be required to pay fees according to the financial year of the association, i.e October 1 to September 30.
- Therefore any fees paid within a year only cover the period up to 30 September and not beyond.
- New members joining during the months of April to July will be entitled to a 50% discount of the fees due, in that 1st year of joining
- New members joining during the months of August to September will be entitled to a 75% discount of the fees due, in that 1st year of joining
- A full year’s fee is due at the beginning of the next financial year.