+1-868-622-3770 canto@canto.org 67 Picton Street, Port of Spain 8am - 4pm

WTISD Winners

WTISD – Video Competition  2015 Winners

First Place

Tysha Toni Roches – Saint Catherine Academy , Belize

Tysha Toni Roches




Tysha Toni Roches -Video


Kind, caring, dedicated, and determined are words that are used to describe people, however, does that individual live up to it? Well the princess of Mr Kelvin Roches and Ms Marjorie Forbes is definitely a living example of those words. On the 10th of December 1997, the Lord blessed the Roches family with Tysha Toni Roches. Tysha was a very vibrant character from a young age. Everyone saw the potential in her. Tysha attended Bethany Baptist Preschool. Thereafter, she attended a well-known primary school in Belize City, Holy Redeemer Primary School. There again, Tysha displayed her enthusiasm. Teachers recognized Tysha’s abilities, and they never limited her. She was a key member of the school’s football team. Upon graduating, the teachers and principal saw the need to award Tysha Roches with student of the year for the graduating class of 2010-2011. It was another milestone for Tysha as she was moving to secondary education. She was accepted at Saint Catherine’s Academy, one of Belize’s prestigious all girls institution. Tysha Roches started her journey in August of 2011 and, as expected, was successful. Tysha began studying business at Saint Catherine’s Academy (SCA); however, still had a passion for computer technology. She participated in various video competitions. For instance in 2013, Tysha won a video competition in which she had to portray the theme “Belize in you, Belize in me, Land of the free” and her patriotism for my country, Belize. Then, in 2014 Tysha entered a Coastal Zone Video Competition and won the view’s choice award. With her found love for sports, she was also a member of SCA’s female football and basketball teams who won the championship in 2015. On the 18th of May 2015, Tysha won CANTO’s 9th Annual WTISD – Video Competition which gave her the recognition she needed. Tysha Roches is a very motivated and goal driven young lady. Tysha Roches will be graduating from SCA on the 30th of May 2015. Thereafter, she will be pursuing her tertiary education at Saint John’s Junior College in Computer Information System (CIS). Tysha Toni Roches is fully supported by family and friends! Tysha takes the time each and every day to savor the moment for all her accomplishments and blessings. There are no limits set for the ambitious Tysha Toni Roches.


2nd Place Winner

Allison Arnaez – St. Paulusschool, Suriname

Allison Arnaez

Allison Arnaez- Video

My name is Allison Arnaez. I’m 15 years young and go to the St. Paulusschool in Suriname. When I was younger I used to swim and compete against other competitors/swimmers. My team’s/swimclub’s name was Neptunes. Later on I became interested in photography and decided to stop with swimming. On my 15th birthday I got a canon camera as a present. I attended some photography lessons from professional photographers and now I’m preparing myself to be one as well.


Third Place

Daniel Stewart – Ewald, P, Meyer Lyceum (Lyco II), Suriname


Daniel Stewart





Daniel Stewart -Video


Daniel “Sapience” Stewart. (’96)
Musician & aspiring Spokenword artist/poet.

Daniel’s interest lies in Arts.
He started playing music at the age of six(6) and has joined the Surinamese jazz scene in 2012 at the Surinamese jazz festival. Since then he has played at various venues. He started writing poetry in 2013 and entered a Surinamese art competition (open for every art form including culinary arts and such) in 2014 and took the 1st prize. He writes under the pen-name Sapience.
( www.fb.com/iamsapience )
He plans to start a video series which he will take a sometimes philosophical &  poetical but overall aesthetic approach to everyday things.
(Technological renaissance was sort of the pilot to this)

He wishes to study Entertainment Business at the Fullsail University in Florida


2014 WTISD Winners


First Place

William Angel Mahler Junior – Belize

William Angel Mahler  Biography


William Angel Mahler’s Video


2nd Place

Gionieva Fraser – Trinidad & Tobago

Gioneiva Fraser Biography

G. Fraser

Gionieva Fraser Video


3rd Place

Allison Arnaez – Suriname

Allison Arnaez

My name is Allison Arnaez. I’m 15 years young and go to the St. Paulusschool in Suriname. When I was younger I used to swim and compete against other competitors/swimmers. My team’s/swimclub’s name was Neptunes. Later on I became interested in photography and decided to stop with swimming. On my 15th birthday I got a canon camera as a present. I attended some photography lessons from professional photographers and now I’m preparing myself to be one as well.

Allison Arnaez‘s Video


4th Place

Andrea Gabriela Gutierez -Belize


Andrea Gabriela Gutierrez Video


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