Jamal Witty – Belize WINNER

Jamal Witty is the winner of CANTO’s 12th Annual World Telecommunications Information Society Video Competition.  A regional video competition targeting students in CANTO member countries on different ICT based topics.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) spearheaded by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is observed annually on the 17th of May.  To commemorate this occasion, CANTO based in Trinidad & Tobago engages in numerous activities including an annual Video competition. This year, CANTO staged the competition under the theme of: ““How Can I Enable the Positive Use of Artificial Intelligence For All?”

Jamal is the third consecutive winner from Belize making it a hat trick for Belize.  According to Jamal, the winning video highlights the journey to the future and how the use of technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence, will lead the way.  Jamal, a student at the University of Belize viewed the competition as an opportunity to travel and learn about how Belize and the Caribbean communities are preparing for the future of technology. His entry demonstrates the potential of artificial intelligence in the Caribbean.

When prompted on his reaction to the news, Jamal exclaimed: “I was so excited to hear that I won. I’ve never really won anything in my life before. So now I’m heading to Panama to be a part of CANTO’s’ 34th Annual Conference to celebrate what CANTO and its partners have been doing for quite some time now.  I’m looking forward to experiencing the culture of Panama, and to learn more about what’s happening in our region”.

Jamal nabbed the coveted prize of an all-expense paid trip to attend CANTO 2018 in Panama for two, US$1000 cash and a tablet from a pool of thirteen entries.  The following winners will receive a combination of cash, tablets and smart phones.

Second Place                     Jonathan David Jacobus (Guyana)
Third                                     Vince Villatoro & Dion Ciego (Belize)
Fourth Place                        Brenda Cab (Belize)

CANTO thanks all its members for promoting the campaign in their respective countries and the following judges for their time: Joseph Samuel (APUA, Antigua) Wendy McDonald (Cable & Wireless Communications) and Anuskha Sonai (Spang Makandra).

WTISD Videos
