EMBEDDED SIM (eSIM): ePAP Initiative
Jose Luis Horna, CEO of Converlogic, launched the ePAP initiative on July 20th at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach as part of the CANTO Expo 2022, (www.canto.org) the largest technology and telecommunications show in the Caribbean. All industry stakeholders must be ready for the…
C&W Communications: CEO, Inge Smidts, underscores “Our People are our Greatest Asset” at CANTO’s 36th Annual Conference
Miami, Florida, July 29, 2021: The 36th annual CANTO Trade and Virtual Exhibition kicked-off on Wednesday, July 28th with Headline Sponsor, C&W Communications (CWC), hosting the first day of the three-day virtual event. Held under the theme, ‘The New Digital Reality – 2021 and Beyond’,…
Representation & Equality In the Workplace
The goal of ensuring women are employed in the ICT sector is not simply about representation and equality in the workplace. It’s about something more fundamental. It’s about empowering women in our societies and communities in a way that lifts all of us, and makes…
CANTO CONNECT 2020 – A Resounding Success!
For Immediate Release: [18th September, 2020; Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago] Wednesday September 16th 2020 was a day that anyone in the telecommunications industry should not have missed! Over 400 attendees across the globe; presenters located in the Caribbean, the Americas and Europe;…
Huawei Talks Digital Transformation – No Longer an Option
[Port-of-Spain, September 1, 2020] Strategies to help societies welcome and maximise digital transformation was at the centre of a discussion led by Huawei’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Government Solutions for Huawei Latin America, Luis Adolfo Guillot Duenas, on August 25th 2020. Guillot shared his…
5G Is Not Related to the Spread of Coronavirus
For Immediate Release: April 09, 2020 Around the world right now, malicious messages and video content are circulating referencing 5G technology and linking it to the spread of Coronavirus. People have attacked and destroyed 5G sites in places like the UK. Unfortunately, it has…
CANTO 2020 –Notice of Cancellation of Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition
For Immediate Release 3rd April 2020 Port of Spain, Trinidad CANTO 2020 – Cancellation of Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition CANTO has been monitoring the global impacts of the COVID-19 virus and the resulting uncertainty about when it will end. As such, the decision was…
CANTO Launches Task Force to Join the COVID-19 Fight!
CANTO has joined forces in the fight against the COVID-19 crisis by establishing the “CANTO Covid19 Task Force” [pdfjs-viewer url=”%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F03%2FCovid-Taskforce-Press-Release-Final.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
International Women’s Day 2020 Message – Secretary General, CANTO
2020 is a pivotal year for gender equality internationally. The beginning of a new decade, as well as the 25th anniversary of the UN Women’s new multigenerational campaign “Generation Equality”, aligning with this year’s Women’s day theme “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”. Designed…
CANTO Welcomes Deeper Consultation on Regional Roaming Rates
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Port of Spain, 24th February 2020 – CANTO is a trade association which represents 25 CARICOM-based telecoms operators and 20 non-CARICOM-based operators who also operate in the Caribbean. CANTO recognizes that the issue of lower roaming rates is key to achieving…